...In Dreams
This morning, I awoke from a dreadful dream....
BACKSTORY: Last night, I bombarded my intro class with surreal images by Dali, Bunuel & David Lynch. In the span of 3.5 hours, my vict...students saw the dream sequence from Hitch's "Spellbound", Bunuel's "An Andalusian Dog" and Lynch's "Blue Velvet" (1986). I was in 7th heaven by end of class.
Gasps, both loud & muted, were heard when the images of the cutting razor collided with many sets of eyes in the audience; The class somnambulists woke up. "Blue Velvet" elicited a wider range of audible responses: laughter, "oh my god"-s, "don't go in there"-s, etc.
At the end of class, I remarked that Jeffrey's Aunt, the very sweet secondary character, who provided the last line of dialogue, "I could never eat an ant" (or something to that effect) seemed like a clean-cut package that would reveal a can of worms... I immediately associate her line with Norman Bates's final "I wouldn't hurt a fly."THE DREAM: I was back in my old engineering office & was chatting with the presumably diabolical but tentatively forthcoming CFO of the company. I then drifted around the warehouse undetected & everything appears as I left it two years ago. I had to go to the bathroom, which has a 3/4 wall that reveals one physically from fore-arm upwards. My former German boss walks by, I bowed my head to further disguise my face with the baseball cap I was wearing. Via peripheral vision, I knew he identified me. As I go to leave, a call halted my step. I looked to the left into an office & saw my briefcase & personal effects that I'd need to bring with me, out of reach. I was trapped. I turned around to face my former boss. He turned out to be my eldest aunt on my father's side, an established adversary against my mother's side of the family. I was very scared now & pathetically negotiated for my personal effects. She wanted something from me before she'd even consider letting me go. All I tried to do was to look away from a close-up of her face (my dream, of course, was cinematic too).
Then, I woke up with great gladness. I think the entire dream contains elements from "Blue Velvet", its general mood & feeling of dread.