Wednesday, April 12

Prime (2005)

The hook in the romantic comedy Prime is found in its use of dramatic irony during the scenes between the “Jewish mother” (Meryl Streep) and her young & beautiful patient (Uma Thurman). The movie trailers gave away the first act; a psychologist is unwittingly encouraging her recently divorced patient to have a committed relationship with her own son (Brian Greenberg). They are 14 years apart in age but the sex is GREAT!

I enjoyed director Ben Younger’s escapist first half. If he had sustained the light tone instead of delving into romantic drama territory towards the end of Act 2, I would have watched the film again. The epilogue is a reality check that I didn’t want to expect from what appeared to be a refreshing fluff piece. However, Uma looks just as lovely as she did in the Kill Bill series, without the uncharacteristic gore, of course.

Watch Giovanni Ribisi in Boiler Room instead. Younger’s talent for dialogue rhythm is put to better use there.